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Struggling to Pay Your Debts? Discover Your Alternatives

Struggling to Pay Your Debts? Discover Your Alternatives

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The burden of debt weighs heavily on countless Canadians, with many grappling to keep up with repayments. When facing such financial hardship, it’s crucial to understand the alternatives available to regain control over your finances. This article will delve into various options, from debt consolidation and credit counselling to a consumer proposal and bankruptcy, guiding you towards making informed decisions regarding your debt management.

Recognizing the Signs of Unmanageable Debt

Inability to Make Minimum Payments

One of the first red flags signaling unmanageable debt is consistently struggling to make minimum payments on your loans and credit cards. This difficulty indicates that your debt has become overwhelming, and immediate attention is required to prevent further financial stress.

Borrowing to Pay Existing Debts

Another telltale sign of escalating debt issues is repeatedly borrowing money to pay off existing debts. This situation, known as the “debt cycle,” may put lots of strain on your finances and prolong the repayment process, hindering your ability to achieve financial stability.

Debt-to-Income Ratio

A key step in tackling debt is calculating your debt-to-income ratio, which determines your ability to repay loans. To know this figure, divide your monthly debt by your monthly income. A high ratio (above 35%) may signify that your debt is unmanageable and that you need to consider alternative strategies to address the problem.

Alternatives to Managing Debt

Alternatives to Managing Debt

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation involves combining multiple loans into one with a single, lower interest rate. This process can simplify repayments by reducing the number of creditors you owe, decreasing monthly payments, and saving on interest costs. Also, debt consolidation can potentially improve your credit score over time, provided you consistently meet your new monthly payments.

While debt consolidation can be a good idea, it’s not always the best option for everyone. Potential drawbacks include longer repayment periods, which can lead to increased overall interest costs, and the risk of accumulating more debt if you continue to use credit without caution. Furthermore, not everyone will qualify for a debt consolidation loan, as approval typically depends on factors such as credit history and income.

Credit Counselling Services

Credit counselling services offer guidance and support to individuals facing debt problems. These services can provide valuable assistance in various ways, such as creating a tailored budget and providing resources for financial education to prevent future debt issues.

Consumer Proposals

A consumer proposal is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors. To be eligible for a consumer proposal, you must be unable to repay your debts in full but have the means to make some form of repayment.

Consumer proposals offer several advantages, including the opportunity to keep your assets, interest charges stop, and protection from any creditor actions. Also being able to budget with one monthly payment with no interest. However, there are some drawbacks, such as it will impact your credit score for a short time period.

Bankruptcy: A Last Resort

Bankruptcy should be considered a last resort when all other debt management options have been exhausted. Before filing for bankruptcy, consult with a debt expert to evaluate your financial situation and explore alternatives.

Filing for bankruptcy involves surrendering your non-exempt assets.  The process can provide relief from unmanageable debt, but it also carries long-term consequences, such as a negative impact on your credit score and the potential loss of assets.

DIY Debt Solutions

DIY Debt Solutions

If you prefer to tackle your debt independently, start by examining your spending habits and identifying areas where you can cut costs. This may involve reducing discretionary spending, renegotiating service contracts, or eliminating non-essential expenses.

Increasing Income

Consider increasing your income through avenues such as freelancing, working overtime, or obtaining a part-time job. Use this additional income to create a debt repayment plan, prioritizing high-interest debts while maintaining minimum payments on other debts. Implement the debt snowball or avalanche method, depending on your personal preferences and motivational style. The debt snowball method has to do with paying off smaller debts first, while the avalanche method is about paying off the debts with the highest interest rates.

Establishing an Emergency Fund

To prevent future debt issues, it’s essential to create a financial safety net. Start by building an emergency fund that can cover three to six months’ worth of living expenses. Having this reserve will help you avoid relying on credit in case of unexpected expenses or income loss, protecting you from falling back into debt.

Sticking to a Budget and Developing Healthy Financial Habits

Adopting healthy financial habits is crucial to maintaining a stable financial situation. Develop and stick to a realistic budget that accounts for your income, expenses, and savings goals. Review and adjust your budget regularly as needed. Also, cultivate responsible credit use by paying off your credit card balances in full each month.


Empower your financial future with EmpireOne Credit. Consult with our debt experts to explore a range of debt reduction strategies, from debt consolidation and consumer proposals to bankruptcy options. Debt relief solutions could slash your debt by as much as 80% and stop interest instantly. Start your path to financial liberation by filling out our form for a free consultation or call (416) 900-2324. Debt-free feels good!

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